
नाइंटी फाइव थीसेज की रचना किसने की

नाइंटी फाइव थीसेज की रचना  मार्टिन लूथर ने की थी | "ए डिस्प्यूटेशन ऑन द पावर एंड एफिशिएंसी ऑफ इंडुलजेंस"…

10 months ago

give a brief description of dhekiabari tea garden

Where Dhekiabari Tea Garden is situated? Dhekiabari Tea Garden is a tea estate and tea garden located in Upper Assam.…

10 months ago

Explain the concept of theory of kingship

The real manifestation of the monarchy theory of the Mughals took place during the reign of Emperor Akbar. Akbar's successor…

10 months ago

Discuss in detail the theme of the lament

The theme of a lament is a poignant exploration of grief, sorrow, or mourning expressed through various artistic forms such…

10 months ago

european में कौन सा article लगेगा

european शब्द में आर्टिकल A लगेगा | चूँकि हमें पता है आर्टिकल A का प्रयोग singular countable noun के साथ…

10 months ago