
नाइंटी फाइव थीसेज की रचना किसने की

नाइंटी फाइव थीसेज की रचना  मार्टिन लूथर ने की थी | "ए डिस्प्यूटेशन ऑन द पावर एंड एफिशिएंसी ऑफ इंडुलजेंस"…

7 months ago

give a brief description of dhekiabari tea garden

Where Dhekiabari Tea Garden is situated? Dhekiabari Tea Garden is a tea estate and tea garden located in Upper Assam.…

7 months ago

Explain the concept of theory of kingship

The real manifestation of the monarchy theory of the Mughals took place during the reign of Emperor Akbar. Akbar's successor…

7 months ago

Discuss in detail the theme of the lament

The theme of a lament is a poignant exploration of grief, sorrow, or mourning expressed through various artistic forms such…

7 months ago

european में कौन सा article लगेगा

european शब्द में आर्टिकल A लगेगा | चूँकि हमें पता है आर्टिकल A का प्रयोग singular countable noun के साथ…

7 months ago